Well I believe your security system is letting you down and will not protect you when you most need it.
Why, because you don’t have time to read all the manuals and instructions. You have got better things to do. You just want your security system to do what its meant to do when you expect it. All the beeps, flashing lights , false alarms you probably wished you had never put the bloody thing in.
Well good news, help is at hand. I do know what all those beeps, flashings lights, bells and whistles are and why they are there.
I will thoroughly check your Security System, get it working properly and see that you can get on without having to worry about it all the time. Then when something does happen just give Guardian Gecko a call.
Call Phill for a thorough test and check of your Security Alarm, Camera system or Intercom now.
Phone 0408 264 256